Type & Name | Description |
Name | Name of the Datasource |
DatabaseVariant variant | One of MySQL, MSSQL, Cassanadra (cass insensitive) |
String hostAddress | IP Address of Database v4/v6 |
int port | Port of Database connection |
String username | Username for Database connection |
String passwd | Password for Database connection |
String remoteDatabaseNameAtService | Name of Database Schema on the database connection |
int priority | Lowest number is highest priority and becames the name database connection | M
String group | Database Group (Used by Cassandra)
boolean useSSL | if true use an SSL connection for the database |
boolean verifySSLCert | if true verify the SSL Cert for the connection |
String isolationLevel | For ACID databases the isolationLevel - what to do about simultaneous updates on the same table |
boolean allowPublicKeyRetrieval | Allow MajDbORM to retrieve public keys remotely for connections |
String poolName | Name of Pool of Database connections (Zaxxa, MySQL, Ms SQL) |
minimumIdleTimeout | Close db connection if idea of more than this many secods
maxPoolSize | Number of (Zaxxa) Maximum Database connections held open at a time |
minimumIdleCon | Minimum number of idea database connections (only this pool) to hold open at a time
connectionTimeout | Close connection this many miliseconds |
Annotation on Type | From Library | Parameters | Description |
Column - for Fields | Jakarta/Javax | Name | Name of Database column |
Id - for fields | Jakarta/Jaxax | N/A | Indicate column is a primary key |
DirEntityVersion - One class in package | Majorana | int major, int minor | Versioning number for a package or directory, only if the Env Vars DBVersion.major DBVersion.minor are greater or equal to these will the case be automatically loaded
Nullable - Field | Majorana | N/A | Indicated the column may be null |
Presave - Method | Majorana | N/A | Indicates a method to run in the Entity before saving to the DB |
Postload - Method | Majorana | N/A | Indicates a method to run in the Entity after retriving from the DB |
Updateable | Majorana | N/A | Indicate a field should be updated by a CRUD update |
PopulatedUpdated - LocalDateTime field | Majorana | N/A | Store the current timestamp when the entity is updated
PopulatedCreated - LocalDateTime field | Majorana | N/A | Store the curremt timestamp when the entity is first createdM